Don’t be afraid to experiment with dumplings, add your own flavours to compliment your dish!
Ah, what an excellent thing is an English pudding!
Francois Mission 1960
Suet was first recorded in a recipe in the early 17th century, used in the English College Pudding and served to students at Oxford and Cambridge since 1617. However, the origins of the traditional Christmas Pudding can be traced back a further 200 years to the 1420s. It is safe to say, therefore, that suet has been enhancing the taste of traditional British recipes for a long while, creating that ultimate British pudding texture renowned worldwide. Its high melting point offers a soft pastry that no fat alternative does, acting as the perfect accompaniment to many pie fillings.
Traditionally bought from the butchers as a by-product, suet has in recent years been made far more accessible as an ingredient through the rendering process. As such, grated suet as bought today can be kept for long periods at room temperature as its flour coating makes it stable at room temperature. The vegetarian alternative offers a lighter taste, whilst maintaining the properties that make it essential in many recipes used today.